sábado, 16 de abril de 2011

Atenção Pais! Voçês podem ser a solução para seus filhos.

Olá, neste post vou dizer que precauções vocês ,Pais, devem ter para que em breve seu filho não seja mais afetado pelo Bullying.

Sabe quando seus filhos chegam da escola e contam oque aconteceu de ruim por causa de seus coleguinhas, ESCUTE-OS!
O Bullying pode estar mais perto do que você pensa, o seu próprio filho pode ser uma vítima! Agora está na hora de ser compreendedor.
Para evitar que a situação piore converse com seu filho e pergunte se anda bem a sua relação com seus amigos e professores. Se a relação for ruim e seu filho sofrer Bullying  não custa nada oferecer um colo protetor, influencie seu filho à não ligar para as ofenças verbais e fazer novas amizades; e se  o caso for ofensas físicas converse com a escola e com os pais desse agressor para entender também os motivos dessa outra criança.
Quando o seu filho for o agressor também não custa nada conversar com ele e oferecer  um "colo amigo"; pergunte os motivos de suas ações e também se tem uma relação boa com as outras crianças de sua classe.
Por isso, Pais, não deixem essa conversa que pode parecer boba para depois, porque o amanhã pode ser pior que hoje e ontem! Essas conversas podem ajudar seus filhos à não precisarem de ajuda profissional depois, porque vocês podem ser a solução emocional de seus filhos.
Cada gesto amoroso conta, passe o amor que sente aos seus filhos e o receberá de volta.

Ana Júlia Loureiro Levada

sexta-feira, 8 de abril de 2011

Bullying em Santa Bárbara d'Oeste

Tudo bem?

É, parece que o Bullying está cada vez mais popular, e infelizmente não é um bom popular, parece que PRATICAR Bullying está mais popular. Em Santa Bárbara d'Oeste - aqui do lado de Americana, SP - aconteceu um caso de Bullying.
E, adivinhem?
Não é apenas um bullie, mas 10! Sim, dez estudantes foram acusados de praticar Bullying contra um outro estudante! E segundo o governo, a vítima foi humilhada e ainda agredida! A notícia saiu na Folha de S. Paulo.
O meu vô, que assina o jornal, escaneou uma parte da matéria e mandou para mim:

É, com isso podemos ver que em qualquer cidade, qualquer lugar, com qualquer pessoa, pode acontecer Bullying.


Tragedy in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

How are you?

Today, I came here to talk about a tragedy, that happened yesterday here in Brazil. I think everyone knows about the guy that entered in a public school in Rio de Janeiro and killed 11 teenagers. This is AWFUL. I'm really sad about it, this violence! Where is the world going? 
Well, there's a point in this story that is sadder than the whole tragedy; the murderer - Wellington Menezes de Oliveira, 24 - probaly suffered bullying when he was younger! So you see, bullying can affect someone so much, that it can KILL innocent persons. I read this news about 10 minutes and I was like: What!? 
Bullying IS serious. Bullying can drives someone crazy. 
That teenagers that are gone by now, could be alive if someone in Wellington's past had thought about what it was doing. 
Now, I just can say how sorry I am about that families that lost someone. And I hope this tragedy open people's eyes to see how bullying is serious! 
Let's send positive thoughts for the teenagers that are in hospital in a serious state. And hope they Stay Strong!



quarta-feira, 23 de março de 2011

Barack Obama against Bullying!

How are you visitors?
Look at who's against bullying with us!
Yes, Barack Obama!
Last week, Obama has assumed that suffered bullying because of his ears, and his different name.
Look at that, EVERYONE can suffer with bullying. And it's not because someone has treated you like nothing, that you are nothing. Now he's the President of United States, then, don't believe what bullies say!
And he has a project that's called It Gets Better, in this project some people tell their stories with bullying.
Link: http://www.itgetsbetter.org/
And Obama has invited Britney Spears to participate in the project. She accepted, then, we have two influential people in this project!

I hope it REALLY gets better!

Thank you Obama!

This is the truth By: Alex Sonju

Hey Everyone,
I'm REALLY sorry we didn't post here since January, 1st. But today I came with a GREAT text made by Alex Sonju. I found it on his Facebook, it's really worth it if you read it. 
Believe me, this is really the truth, not a good truth, but what can we do? 

This is the truth

Each day, so many kids get bullied. I've been one of them. I know what it's like. It's horrible. I've been laughed at, called fat, gay, and many other things. This isn't going out to anybody. This isn't for fame. This is true feelings, and if you can't accept that, then just move on with your day.  
Now a days, bullying isnt the typical "give me your lunch money" or getting beat up at recess. Today's bullying is much different. I know what it's like to hear mean things. I've been called gay before, I've been called fat, I've been laughed at, I've been talked about. And to all those people that have done this to me, I forgive you. I hope with recent  stories, it serves as a wake up call to everyone. Your friends might find it hilarious, you might get a couple high fives from them, but what are they gonna be doing when you tell them "I'm the reason someone killed themself! High five anyone?" No.
I pray to God that people will change from this. I hope that teachers won't just sit by and stare anymore. I hope more kids will stand up. I know I will. I'll do it for you justice. I don't care if I don't like the kid they're making fun of, or if I love them. I don't care if they're black or white. I don't care if they're gay or straight. I won't care. I know it will take alot of strength, but I'd rather stand up for someone, then to see them go. And I hope you do the same.

Most of the time though, when you do confront a bully, they usually say "I was joking". Yeah, well, sorry to say this, but suicide isn't a joke. Either is any form of self harm. In fact, it's the opposite of a joke. Some people say that self harm is a way to attract attention... well, it kind of is. It's like they're trying to tell people "look what your doing to me". And it's also trying to tell everyone else "I need help". Most of the time, all they need is someone to talk to, someone to have trust in. I've been at some low points in life. I've been made fun of. I know what it's like. The thing that would have helped me the most is easily someone to talk to. Just someone that will say "hey, how are you". Just by talking to that one person, it shows that you care. So, that's why if anyone, and I mean anyone, want's to talk, about anything at all, PLEASE talk to me. I'd love to talk to you. I know I might not seem like the person that would be able to hold a serious conversation, but believe me, I can have deep heart to heart talks. If you ever want to talk, feel free to talk to me on chat, or message me.

I'm not doing this for fame. I'm not doing this to be looked up on. I'm not doing this for anything, except for what's right. So, if you have hate comments, cool. I don't care. This note is to anyone who has ever been made fun of, ever been gossipped about, ever had a tough day at school. So, don't give me credit, because I feel that God has used me to get what needed to be said, said.

Well, I could go on for hours, but I think I would bore you guys. I'm just trying to get across my point that bullying is serious, and if you guys ever need to talk, I am ALWAYS here for you. You guys are all loved, and your all amazing people, no matter what anyone says.

Thanks Alex, (:
And everyone who read it.